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Review Papers | Medicine Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Adravya Chikitsa - A Review
Dr. Shivani Sanjeev Gavande [6]
Abstract: Ayurved is science of life. Ashtaang Ayurved tells us various important aspects of life. Those things which are not visible by our natural senses are also playing important role in the universe. Our body which is visible-Moort-Shtool, needs the treatment as per Samanyavishesh Siddhhant, Sthoolchikitsa, but mind is Sookshma so it needs Sookshmachikitsa. This concept is well elaborated in Ayurved as Adravya Chikitsa, where no internal medicine as such is used to treat a disease but presence of some kind of things give nano effect on mind and thus treat psychosomatic disorders of mankind. This Nano Technology of Ayurved became spiritual tradition since ancient time. We should be able to differenciate between superstitions and super spirituality and its use to cure the certain conditions which give pain - Dukkha to human beings.
Keywords: Ayurved, Atharv-ved, Mantra, Nanotherapy, Daivvyapashray
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 402 - 404
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