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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Load Deformation Behavior of a Reinforced Concrete Beam
Kavitha.S | Dr. T. Felix Kala
Abstract: During an earthquake, a brittle punching failure can arise in beam-column connections due to poor transfer capacity of shearing forces and unbalanced moments. To increase the shear capacity of the slab, various types of shear reinforcement can be used in the slab around the connection. The aim of the project is to study the response of beam containing with shear reinforcement when subjected to combined gravity and cyclic lateral loading. At first a calibration model was developed to simulate the tested beam-column joint using finite element analysis program MASA. This model was used to predict the load displacement behaviour. The results showed that the model predicts the load level excellently but significantly over estimates the stiffness of the joint compared to that observed by James Lee & amp, amp, Ian Robertson. Since the present study is to compare the relative behaviour of beam provided with shear reinforcement, the error in the estimation of joint stiffness will not alter the comparative conclusions drawn. Thus, the developed model was validated for application to various types of beam behaviour.
Keywords: beam-column, load displacement, shear, deflection
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 539 - 542
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