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Research Paper | Agronomy | Nigeria | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
A Study of the Floristic and Nutritional Compositions of Bee Pollen from South Eastern Nigeria
V. O. Odimba
Abstract: The floristic and nutritional properties of bee pollen from Apis mellifera adansonii and Melipona species were examined using appropriate methods in the laboratory. The pollen pellets obtained randomly from the samples were weighed and recorded accordingly. Each of the pollen pellets contained approximately 6 and 10 plant pollen types with average weights of 0.10g and 0.21g for Apis mellifera adansonii and Melipona species respectively. The plant species identified in their pollen samples varied. This must have been as a result of differences in species preferences. The results of the proximate analysis revealed that Melipona species pollen had higher protein content (20.62 %) than Apis mellifera pollen (19.29 %). The value obtained from Apis mellifera pollen is lower than the amount required for optimum brood rearing (25 % protein) and therefore might be a contributing factor to seasonal absconding of bees during the rains in southeastern Nigeria. However, bee pollen also contains other essential nutrients. The plant species contained in each of the pollen pellets should be inter planted in apiaries. Plants with high protein content that flower during the rains should also be studied. Bee pollen can serve as a protein supplement.
Keywords: Bee pollen, Melipona species and Apis mellifera
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 1198 - 1204
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