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Research Paper | Psychology Science | Bangladesh | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Comparative Study on Exploring General Mental Health of University Learners
Shahrina Ferdous | Arifa Rahman [3]
Abstract: The present research was conducted to investigate the mental health status of Bangladesi private and public university learners. Samples of 503 students from different universities were randomly selected. The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and counseling sessions were used in the mixed method approach. Multi-instrument analysis technique was used. The frequency of somatic problem, anxiety & sleep problem in severe cases were only 7 % whereas students has less problem related to social functioning (3 %) and depression (2 %) and 78 % students were nonclinical cases and only 12 % students were considered as clinical cases. The mental health of male learners was healthier than females in terms of somatic problem and anxiety & sleep problem. Conversely, male students had more problems regarding social functioning. Among the students of 20 years to 27 years, maximum were quite sound in terms of depression and have moderate and sound mental health. Afterwards, the tendency of sound mental health was decreasing due to career concern and academic pressure. A little significant differences also exist between public and private university learners general mental health. Psychological services can play a noteworthy role in maintaining their psychological wellbeing as well as their personal and professional wellbeing.
Keywords: Comparative Study, General Mental Health, University Learners
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 1416 - 1421
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