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Survey Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Optimization of Hydraulic Oil Seal in Earth Movers
R. Vishnu Ramesh Kumar | V. Varun Sagar | P. Vishnuram | N. Hari Prasanth
Abstract: This project aims at increasing the durability of the oil seal used in earth movers considering the design and material of the oil seal being unchanged. We increase the heat dissipation of the oil seal by providing coating on the frontal surface of the oil seal thus enhancing the heat flow from the oil seal to the environment. The enhanced heat transfer in the oil seal enables earth movers to work for longer duration at elevated temperatures. From the availability of more materials/ powders like super alloy powders, power blend powders, thermal spray powders, chemical clad powders, aluminium, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, titanium, vanadium, tungsten etc. , for coating the oil seal, the aluminium is being selected with respect to the availability, cost and also its heat dissipation capacity to the oil seal. Thus with the increase in the heat dissipation of the oil seal, the durability also increases with respect to it. The oil seal is examined for the improvement in heat dissipation and since the corrosion determines the life of the aluminium coating on the oil seal, we examine for the corrosive resistance.
Keywords: NBR, Aluminium, Corrosion Resistance, Heat Resistance, Heat Soak
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 2156 - 2162
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