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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Seismic Evaluation of RC Building With AAC Block Infill Walls
Vidhya P. Namboothiri
Abstract: In countries like India, masonry infill is the most common structural system of construction of RC frame who behaves as the exterior walls as well as partition walls. So it is important to study the significance of infill in the structure. Various researches on RC buildings with masonry infilled walls was carried out by many researchers using brick masonry in most cases and AAC in some cases. In this study, AAC block is selected as material for the infill since it has less density, larger block size, lightweight, porous nature and other useful properties. A bare frame model and AAC block masonry infilled frame model with and without openings are modelled using the software ETABS. The infills in the structure are modelled as equivalent struts. The assumed structure is an apartment building of G+3 storeys in seismic zone III with a medium soil strata. Seismic coefficient method of analysis is adopted. Influence of AAC blocks on various responses of RC framed structure is studied. Values of base shear, storey displacements and inter-storey drift are derived and compared to evaluate the effect of infill on the structure.
Keywords: Infill frame, AAC block, Equivalent strut model, bare frame, fully infilled
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 704 - 707
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