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Comparative Studies | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Analysis of STATCOM, SVC and UPFC FACTS Devices for Transient Stability Improvement in Power System
Pratheeksha R. | K. M. Kavitha [3]
Abstract: The development of the modern power system has led to an increasing complexity in the study of power systems, and also presents new challenges to power system stability, and in particular, to the aspects of transient stability and small-signal stability. Transient stability control plays a significant role in ensuring the stable operation of power systems in the event of large disturbances and faults, and is thus a significant area of research. This paper investigates comparison of SVC, STATCOM and UPFC performance for the transient stability improvement of the power system. The improvement of transient stability of the power system, using SVC (Static VAR Compensator), STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) and UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller) which is an effective FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) device capable of controlling the active and reactive power flows in a transmission line by controlling appropriately parameters. Simulations are carried out in Matlab/Simulink environment. The performance of SVC, STATCOM & UPFC is compared from each other. So for the improvement of transient stability STATCOM is better than SVC. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed STATCOM, UPFC & SVC on transient stability improvement of the system.
Keywords: FACTS, SVC, STATCOM, UPFC, Matlab/Simulink, Transient stability
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,
Pages: 1207 - 1210
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