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Research Paper | Communication or Media Studies | India | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Protection of Computer Database and Fact Based Works
Neemi Kachhap
Abstract: Need for protecting database and fact based works is a major issue for both under Indian and International laws. Multi- party treaty which incorporates both the US and European models are needed for regulating the legislative framework regarding protection of database and fact based works. Database, particularly computer databases touch every ones life either directly or indirectly. Many people use computer databases at work and obtain benefits from it. All those benefits are the product of labour, skill and creativity as well as monetary investment by the database producer. Without adequate protection of databases, the producers will not have enough incentive to produce them. Lack of adequate protection would encourage free riding activities. The database producers waste their efforts because end users as well as competitors in the industry can quickly copy the final product. Thus, the objective of this paper is to analyse the difference between categories of database and to what extent it is protected under the copyright legal regime. This Article lays down the importance of the need of comprehensive legislation for the protection of database and fact based works.
Keywords: Databases, Compilations, Copyright, Infringement, Arrangements
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,
Pages: 2168 - 2175