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Research Paper | Medicine Science | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
The Assesment of Tooth Apical Closure Between Males and Females of Indonesian Subjects Using Digital Panoramic Radiograph
Endah Mardiati [4] | Eky S. Soemantri Soeria SE | Edeh Rolleta Haroen | Bergman Thahar [3] | Bambang Sutrisna [2]
Abstract: Background Tooth calcification is one of physiological maturation indicator for determine thegrowth of tooth maturation. Tooth calcification was an independent maturation and not influence byclimate, nutrition, race, dental health, socio-economic, educational and health status. The aim of this study is to analyze the differences of the tooth apical closure between males and females of Indonesian subject. Meterial and Methods this study was an obeservational study conducted as cross sectional study, the population was digital panoramic radiograpg of patients who visiting Orthodontic Clinic Faculty of Dentristy Universitas Padjadjaran. The data consit of 229 digital panoramic radiographs of females age 8-18 years and 119 males, aged 9-18 years. Canine, firstand second premolar, second and third molar of left lower jaw, was assesed using Demirjiansmethod. The differences between males and females was analysed using t-test (p-value < 0.005). Result tooth calcification in females earlier than males, with significantly differences for canines, first premolar, second premolar and third molar, no significant differences for second molar. Conclusion Tooth apical closure in females earlier than males except for second molar.
Keywords: Tooth apical closure, Demirjian methods, Indonesian subjects
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,
Pages: 1632 - 1635
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