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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Study of Secure Fault Tolerant Routing Protocol for IoT
Chaithra.S | Gowrishankar S [3]
Abstract: IoT enables ubiquitous communication with different devices in a wireless network. Providing integrity, confidentiality and availability of services to access and authorization are the main challenges in IoT. For a successful communication process the path has to be established even in the presence of faults. In order to facilitate these issues the solution has to be proposed for data security assessment and penetration. In this paper RPL is used to achieve secure fault tolerant routing to enhance the performance and minimize the energy consumption. The Dijkstras algorithm is adopted to select the paths with low cost and to store the routing information. The proposed architecture includes a Blowfish algorithm method for secure data transmission. The performance analysis of RPL is done on the basis of Packet delivery ratio and energy consumption.
Keywords: IoT, Dijkstras Algorithm, RPL, Blowfish Algorithm
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 1833 - 1838
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