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Research Paper | Botany | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Studies on Genetic Variability in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Em Thell) Under Temperate Conditions of Kashmir
Nusrat Jan | Subhash C. Kashyap
Abstract: The present investigation was carried out with 20 wheat genotypes to study the variability, heritability and genetic advance. Analysis of variance revealed considerable variability among the genotypes for 13 quantitative characters. On the basis of mean performance highest grain yield per running meter was exhibited by genotype MALAN1 (452.526g). High genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) was observed for number of tillers per running meter (20.35) followed by grain yield per plant (18.08) biomass yield (17.06) and thousand seed weight (15.47) while as medium to low GCV was observed for other characters. High phenotypic coefficient of variation was exhibited by flag leaf width (25.96) followed by Number of tillers (20.36) while as other characters showed moderate to low phenotypic coefficient of variation. High estimates of broad sense heritability were observed for number of tillers (99.88 %) followed by 1000 seed weight (98.53 %) harvest index (94.22 %), plant height (94.09 %), days to maturity and biomass yield, while as other characters showed moderate to low broad sense heritability. Biomass yield (188.57 %) exhibited highest value of genetic advance followed by grains yield per running meter (111.96 %) and moderate genetic advance was observed for number of tillers (56.58) while as other characters showed flow estimates of genetic advance. Maximum genetic advance as percent of mean was recorded for number of tillers per running meter (41.89) followed by grain yield, biomass yield and thousand seed weight while as other traits show low genetic advance as percent of mean.
Keywords: Variability, Heritability, genetic advance and Triticum aestivum L
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1442 - 1445
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