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Research Paper | Zoology | India | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Morophology and Marphometry of Acnthocephlan, Acathogyrus Acanthogyrus found in Fish Host Catla catla of Hyderabad and Rangareddy Dist.
Dr. G. N. Bhagya Rekha
Abstract: Majority of the fishes serve as an intermediate hosts for many parasites, which reduces the food value of the fish as they serve as a potential source of animal protein Catla catla is an edible fish and is a great source of proteins for human being. Fishes in natural waters lodge minimum two kindsof parasites fishes may host either external parasites or internal parasite, external parasites are mainly monogeneas trematodes may be situated on gills and skin internal parasites present in intestine, liver airblader. internal parasites mostly comprises helminth parasites that may be either cestodes or nematodes and acanthocephalans. Helminthes are capable of causing mass mortality of hosts, The present paper deals with the morphology and identification of Acanthocephlan Acanthogyrus acanthogyrus found in host Catla catla collected from defferent ponds of Hyderabad and and Rangareddy districts of Telangana (India) during November, 2000 October, 2002.
Keywords: Morophology, Marphometry, Acnthocephlan, Acathogyrus, Fish host Catla catla
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,
Pages: 2501 - 2503