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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Parameter Estimation in Software Reliability
Meenakshi Malik [2] | Garima Garg [4]
Abstract: All through the procedure of softwareengineering, softwarereliability investigation is expert at various stages as a try for the estimation of whether the software necessities have been experienced or not. Amid the underlying periods of software advancement, softwarereliability expectation methods were exceptionally testing. Various softwarereliabilitymodels have been advanced amid the antiquated couple of years keeping in mind the end goal to quantify the softwarereliability. Reliability of each software relic is a quantifiable trademark which is exceptionally crucial for predicting the level of reliability of any software with the goal that it can work accurately for an unmistakable interim of time. Besides there must not be nearness of a disappointment. In this paper, I have quickly talked about some key parametric estimation systems in softwarereliabilitymodels. This paper exceptionally concentrates on how diverse sorts of strategies can be used for assessing the different parameters
Keywords: Softwarereliability, Softwarereliability growth models, parameter estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, least square estimation, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, cuckoo search
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 632 - 637
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