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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | Egypt | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
The Use of Double Y - Shaped versus Conventional Titanum Miniplates in Fixation of Anterior Mandibular Fractures
Mohamed S. Khairi | Nagy Elprince [2] | Magued H. Fahmy
Abstract: Introduction Anterior mandibular fracture rated between 23 % to 36 % of mandibular fracture, it anatomical location and muscle insertion can effect the frequents involvement. Objectives This work aims at Compare clinically and radiographically the use of double Y-shaped titanium mini plate versus 2 straight titanium mini plates in treatment of anterior fracture of the mandible. Material and methods A prospective study was conducted on a total number of 14 adult patients, who are suffering from mandibular fractures including (Symphyseal and parasymphyseal fractures), indicated for open reduction and internal fixation. the fracture was exposed throw trans oral vestibular incision and reduced under general anesthesia, temporarily maxillomandibular fixation was done using 26 gauge stainless steel wires with arch bar, one double Y shaped mini plated fixed by 6 screws for group A, and 2 conventional mini plates fixed by 8 to 10 screws for group B. Results Pain, edema and trismus decreased gradually through the follow up period, state of occlusion, condition of the teeth at fracture line, surgical wound healing was perfect at all cases and sensory nerve function one patient had parathesia in first month, decreased throw the follow up time, maximum interincisal mouth opening increased significantly throw the period. Postopertive panorama and cone beam CT showed the adequate reduction and bine healing on fracture line. There was no postoperative complication occurred. Conclusion It has been shown that double Y- shaped mini plates have same stabilization due to its configuration as conventional mini plates in fixation of simple anterior mandibular fractures.
Keywords: anterior mandibualar fracture, double Y shaped mini plates
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 1 - 8
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