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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
Harmonic Elimination for Power Quality and Compensation in Single Phase Distribution
A.N. Mudiraj | V.P. Dhote
Abstract: Harmonics are generated in the single phase circuit due to use of semiconductor devices like fluorescent lamps, computers, mobile chargers, TV and automatic devices. Harmonics impacts on power system badly. This leads to heating of equipment and decrease in life of the equipment. Active power filter for single phase distribution network developed to control l these harmonics. This also improves power factor of the system. The developed active filter consists of a MOSFET inverter, PI controller, and hysteresis controller. Current is injected at point of common coupling through inductor. This made source current sinusoidal and in phase with source voltage. The validity of the proposed model is confirmed by simulation in mat lab software. THD from 30 % dropped down to almost 2 %. The developed active filter can offer reduction in power loss and improve power quality. This leads to saving in consumption of electrical energy.
Keywords: Active power filter, PI controller, Hysteresis controller, harmonic distortion
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015,
Pages: 450 - 453
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