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Research Paper | Mathematics | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
Caustic Effect of 3D Transparent Object Using Backward and Forward Ray Tracing
Liza Setyaning Pertiwi [11] | Endang Triwahyuni | Rena Marhaini Simbolon
Abstract: This research makes a software which can produce reflective and transparent object using backward and forward ray tracing. . Reflective object will modeled can reflect another object surrounding it. And transparent object will modeled can produce caustic effect, thats rays which refract in one area. So that area will appear brighter than area surround it. The transparent objects in this research are ball, cube, tube, cube. The result that using software Delphi 7 dan OpenGL is showing up caustic effect of transparent object. Using backward and forward ray tracing in this research need average rendering time for two transparent objects (balls) 39717.25 ms and average rendering time for one transparent object (tube) is 16041.75 ms.
Keywords: transparent, backward ray tracing, forward ray tracing
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015,
Pages: 1607 - 1609