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Review Papers | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
Review on Automated Wheelchair
Rupali G. Deshmukh | Prof. Yashwant V. Chavan
Abstract: The persons who are paralyzed dependent on others due to loss of self-mobility. The main objective was to design and build a cheap, intuitive and practical powered wheelchair. The proposed system presents a user-friendly human machine interface (HMI) for hands-free control of an electric powered wheelchair (EPW). Its two operation modes are based on Mode 1 four head movement through accelerometer, and Mode 2 voice command through speech recognition in MATLAB. Proposed Wheelchair can also detect the slope elevation and accordingly control the speed which helps to avoid the accidents.
Keywords: Electric power wheelchair EPW, speech recognition, Micro-electromechanical systems MEMS, Accelerometer, DC motors
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015,
Pages: 1384 - 1387
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Review Papers, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Pages: 2156 - 2161Analytical Review of Feature Extraction Technique for Automatic Speech Recognition
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