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Research Paper | Ecology | Saudi Arabia | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
Floristic Diversity and Environmental Relations in Two Valleys, South West Saudi Arabia
Aldhebiani | A. Y. [8] | Howladar S. M.
Abstract: The study was conducted on two main sites (Ben Amer and Baida), Albaha region, South West Saudi Arabia. Floristic diversity and soil chemical analysis were studied. The study revealed the presence of seventy six species within sixty two genera of vascular plants belonging to thirty four families. Site 2 (Baida) with its two stands was found to be the most diverse in vegetation. The family Asteraceae was the richest (13 species) followed by Solanaceae (6 species), while, twenty families were represented by only one species each. Psiadia punctulata, Pulicaria crispa (Asteraceae), Lavandula pubescens, Otostegia fruticosa (Lamiaceae), Argemone ochroleuca (Papaveraceae) and Solanum incanum (Solanaceae) were the most common species in both sites. In the floristic spectrum, therophytes and phanerophytes were the most dominant life-forms (33 %), while, cryptophytes and hydrophytes were the rarest life-forms (2 %). The study area was characterized by plants with different life forms such as trees, shrubs and herbs. Site 1 (Ben Amer) was dominated by tress while site 2 (Baida) was dominated by shrubs and herbs. Genus Acacia was considered as the most speciose (4 species) pursued with genus Amaranthus and genus Boerhavia, which were represented by 3 species each. The soil samples from site 2 (Baida) was very rich in organic matter content as compared with that of site 1 (Ben Amer). Both sites contained considerable amount of elements and showed high level of aluminum and low level of manganese contents.
Keywords: Floristic composition, vegetation, soil elements, organic matter
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015,
Pages: 1916 - 1925
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