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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Resonant Converter Forreduction of Voltage Imbalance in a PMDC Motor
Abstract: A novel strategy for motor control is proposed in the paper. In this method for PMDC motor is controlled using ZVZC switching converter. The objective is to reduce the voltage imbalance as far as possible and hence measures are taken to its best to make the output voltage balanced and distortion free. As a result the output voltage of the converter is devoid of any imbalance such as spike. The proportional integral controller help to switch the IGBT switches in proper order and it ensures the ZVS operation of the switches. ZVS at turn on is ensured by an auxiliary circuit which provides reactive current support for full bridge circuit at all load times.
Keywords: ZVZCS converter, PMDC motor, PI controller
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 64 - 68
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