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Informative Article | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Host Based Intrusion Detection System
Vishal Parande | Prof. Sharada Kori
Abstract: In todays technology, new attacks are emerging day by day which makes the systems insecure even the system wrapped with number of security measures. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used to detect the intrusion. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is crucial requirement to safeguard the organization electronic assets. Intrusion detection is a process analyze the traffic on a device or network to determine whether the traffic is malicious or not. In other words, intrusion is any unauthorized attempt to access private data of which the intruder doesnt have access rights. It can be a software or physical entity that monitors the traffic which violates organization security policies and standard security practices. An Intrusion Detection System is made to mainly avoid the intruder from being successful in accessing the prohibited files. It continuously analyzes the traffic to detect the intrusion and respond in timely manner as a result of which risks of intrusions are diminished. It not only stops the intruder from getting access but also captures an image of the changes that he makes in the files. An added feature of capturing a webcam image of the intruder at the time of intrusion can also be collected.
Keywords: Intrusion detection system, logs, cryptography, digital forensic
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 559 - 561
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