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Research Paper | Linguistics | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Study of Quirky and Null Cases in Khoibu
N. Saratchandra Singh | B. Sunila Sharma
Abstract: This article is an attempt to study two cases of Khoibu in terms of Minimalist Syntax of Generative Grammar. Since an enormous amount of research interest has been recently shown in the study of Quirky and Null Cases, the main focus of this article is on these two cases as overt and covert case markings of this language. The two cases are analysed as specific cases of human language available in other languages as in German, Russian and Icelandic etc.
Keywords: Quirky Case, Null Case, Null Complementiser, Semantic function, Semantic property, Genitive subject, Tense Phrase TP etc
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 985 - 987
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