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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
The Effects of Integrated Marketing Communicationson Brand Equity of Authorized Automotives Companies in Indonesia
Aditya Wardhana [5] | Budi Rustandi Kartawinata [4] | Syahputra [4]
Abstract: The aim of the research was to examine the effect of integrated marketing communications on brand equity at authorized automotive companies in Indonesia. In this research, the integrated marketing communications consist of the dimensions are personal communications, advertising, sales promotions, publicity & purel, instructional material, and corporate design. Meanwhile, the brand equity consist of the dimensions are band awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and brand association. Research methods used for this research were descriptive analysis which was used for qualitative variable, and verificative analysis consisted of hypothesis test by using statistical tests for causalities things. The analytical tool that being used is descriptive analysis for variables that are qualitative and verificative as hypothesis measurement by using statistic test analysis tools name structural equation model with Lisrel. The analytical units consist of the customers as new car buyers of the automotive authorized companies in Indonesia. The numbers of population are 1.278.431 customers and using slovin formula that the numbers of samples are 400 respondents with random sampling techniques. Integrated marketing communications and brand equity of the automotive authorized companies in general shows at good condition. The dominant dimensions of integrated marketing communications is sales promotion. The dominant dimensions of brand equity is perceived quality. Integrated marketing communications significantly influence on the brand equity.
Keywords: integrated marketing communications, brand equity, authorized automotive companies, structural equation model
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 1033 - 1038
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