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Research Paper | Earth Science and Engineering | Kenya | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Potential of Digital Geoinfotechs in Planning Urban Community Settlements: The Case Study of Mlolongo Settlement, Nairobi - Kenya
Abstract: This research paper attempts to explore the potential of modern digital Geoinformation technologies (GITs) as alternative tools for spatial mapping, planning and management is compared against the hitherto used cadastral - based approaches in Keny, and Nairobi City settlements in particular. Using a case study of Mlolongo Township, a typical peri-urban settlement of Nairobi, the potential of GITs is empirically investigated in terms of cost-effectiveness, efficiency, accuracy and applicability in rapid spatial development milieu. The research findings demonstrated that modern GITs, namely, Remote Sensing (RS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) can offer the much needed alternative tools for comprehensive mapping and development planning for the rapidly growing urban settlements in Kenya. The research indicates that, if properly harnessed, use of GITs can go along way in addressing and mitigating the current spatial urban development crisis currently facing the country today. Note The paper is based on actual real case research study carried out by the author for his PhD Degree Programme in 2010, at the University of Nairobi, Kenya.
Keywords: Land use / Land tenure, Informal settlements, Land titling/registration, Land use management, Land use planning, Peri-urban settlements, Urbanization Syndrome, Mitigation, Geo-Information Technologies GITs, RS, GPS, GIS, Geo-Data/Information, Spatial Planning/Mapping, Cadastral, Conventional geo-data systems
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 1945 - 1949
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