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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Key Agreement Protocol Based On EC-MQV Algorithm for Cooperative Wireless Communication
Anagha Dhargave | S. U. Nimbhorkar
Abstract: In wireless communication user cooperation is important because in wireless communication number of nodes is available in the network. It is seen that in normal wireless communication the performance is not good as compare to the cooperative communication, where cooperation among multiple nodes presents in the network and hence it is the topic of interest for most of the researchers. Although some of the wireless communication system is not uses cooperative, nature of communication and may cause a performance reduction since the node not trusted or it may prone to some of the attacks. To solve these issues in the wireless communication where number of nodes presents in the network, a simulation model is proposed based on Elliptic Curve Manezes Qu Vanstone algorithm (EC-MQV). In the proposed work the comparison between simple wireless communication and cooperative wireless communication is presented. The work used EC-MQV algorithm further to support the security of existing key agreement protocol. It is found that used of Elliptic curve also helps to improve the efficiency of the network.
Keywords: cooperative communication, EC-MQV algorithm, Information security, low power network, Wireless communication
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 2174 - 2177
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