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Research Paper | Agricultural Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Fuel Properties of Ethanol-Diesel Blends for Use as Engine Fuel
R A Parray | T K Bhattacharya
Abstract: The studies were conducted to assess the suitability and effectiveness of different surfactants in stabilizing ethanol-diesel blends and the fuel properties of formulated fuels. Sixty four micro-emulsions of different proofs of ethanol and diesel were prepared by using ethyl acetate, 1-octanol and soy biodiesel as surfactants. Eleven stable microemulsions, three from each surfactant group and two based on past review were selected for study of fuel properties like relative density, kinematic viscosity, cloud and pour point, cold filter plugging point, flash and fire point, gross heat of combustion, carbon residue, reid vapour pressure and copper strip corrosion test. The percentage and degree proof of ethanol were found to have a greater effect on fuel properties of formulated fuels. Fuels properties of microemulsions 1800 [10.110.15] diesel ethanol1-octanol and 2000 [10.0530.35] diesel ethanol biodiesel respectively replacing 20.7 and 28.75 %some formulated fuels were found close to that of diesel and can be taken for engine performance to access their suitability as engine fuel.
Keywords: biodiesel, microemulsions, ethanol proof, surfactant
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 2443 - 2446