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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | Macedonia | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Prevalence of Pulp Stones in Incisive Teeth Regarding the Dental Arches
Abstract: Prevalence of pulp stones in incisive teeth regarding the dental arches Aleksova Pavlina University Dental Clinical Center -St. Panteleimon-- Deparment of Restorative dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University -Ss. Cyril and Methodius-, Skopje, R. of Macedonia. CorrespondencePavlina Aleksova 1Department of Restorative dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University-St. Cyril and Methodius-, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Tel. +389 070 260 308 E-mail pavlinaaleksova@yahoo. com Introduction Pulp stones or denticles are nodular, calcified masses appearing in either or booth in coronal and root portion of the pulp in teeth. Pulp stones more often occur in molars than in premolars and incisive. Purpose The intention of the study is to determine the prevalence of dental pulp stones occurrence in accordance with the dental arches and the sex in incisive teeth. Materials and Methods The study was conducted at the University Dental Clinic Centre in Skopje and random samples of 150 patients aged between 20-60 years. were included or 3108 teeth, meanwhile using an appropriately designed survey questionnaire. The X-ray assessment of the jaws was being made by subjecting the suspected teeth to panoramic or retroalveolar X-ray according to Dick. To carry out programmed Rtg analysis and evaluation of suspected cases with the purpose of making temporary and correct functional assessment of teeth, which represents an assumption for making further prognostic evaluation. Random samples of 150 patients or 3108 teeth, 623 teeth (20.04 %) has denticles.623 teeth with denticles - 26 (3.2 %) - incisive. Statistically analysis was confirmed to the 26 incisive teeth. Results The results obtained from the carried out examinations showed that 26 (3.2 %) - incisive teeth 12 (46.1 %) - upper jaw (maxilla) and 14 (53.8 %) - lower jaw (mandible) in both the sexes 18 (50 %) males and 18 (50 %) females. The variation is not significant i. e. the denticles in incisive teeth are equally prevalent in the maxilla and the mandible with both the sexes Z = 0.278, P = 0.781. Conclusion Out of these results we are free to conclude that the incidence of dental calcifications is the biggest with the molars when compared to the premolars and the incisive teeth.
Keywords: incisive teeth, pulp stones, prevalence, the dental rches, the side, the sex
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 3170 - 3172
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