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Research Paper | Botany | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Ethno-Medico-Botanical Knowledge of Rural Folk in Anagodu Forest of Davangere District, South India
Vinay M Bankolli | Vasantha Kumar K | Parashurama T. R [4]
Abstract: Now a day studies on herbal medicine is given top priority. People are slowly awakening about the dangerous side effects of the allopathic medicines and are turning towards the so called neglected -backyard plant- for curing many of their ailments. In this context, the preliminary study carried out in Anagodu forest located in Davangere district reveals that the people who are living in rural areas are still using these herbal drugs effectively against various ailments even in this time of sophisticated modern medicine. About six individuals are interviewed during the survey and a total of 70 plant species are used against different problems belonging to 25 families and 70 genera. The present work on wealth of ethno-medical-botanical knowledge of health care points has a great potential for future research, discovery of new effective drugs and for also the conservation aspects.
Keywords: Phyto-Ethno-Medicinal Knowledge, Folklore People, Anagodu forest region, Karnataka
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 2589 - 2594
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