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Research Paper | Geology | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Stratigraphy and Structural Geology of Ciuyah Mud Volcanoes in Ciniru Area,West Java
Isnaniawardhani Vijaya | Helmi Faisal | Muhammadsyah Faizal
Abstract: Studio work, field observation and laboratory analysis has been done to confirm stratigraphic framework and structural geology in Ciniru Area. It is expected to confirm geological influence on the Ciuyah mud volcano complex in this area. The lithostratigraphic succession of Tertiary sediment was compiled by calcareous mudstone and sandstone, tuffaceous mudstone and sandstone, limestone, conglomerate as well as breccia of varying thickness. Those sediments ranging in age from Middle to Late Miocene was accumulated in deep open marine by turbidity current system. Igneous rock and Quaternary lava, lahar and piroclastic deposits were exposed locally. On the basis of imagery interpretation and field data, structural geology lineaments recorded dominantly in WSW - ENE and NW-SE directions, with minor in NE-SW-wards. Fluid and gas ejected through Tertiary sediments rock layers to surface when they find a structural geology fracture that associated with tectonic activity. It shown by similarity of mud fow orientation and structural lineaments.
Keywords: lithostratigraphy, structural geology, Ciuyah, mud volcanoes, foraminifera
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 3223 - 3226
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