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Comparative Studies | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
MRAS Observer for Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Pi Controller
Shylin Babu R | Uvaraj P
Abstract: In recent years, the field oriented control of induction motor drive is widely used in high performance drive system. MRAS technique is been introduced as the sensorless speed estimator. The nonlinearity of induction motor makes its control a difficult one. Thus the linear Proportional Integral (PI) control is not a well established control method in motor drive. Whereas fuzzy logic control has the ability to control nonlinear and uncertain systems even where no mathematical model is available for the control system. Fuzzy Logic Control is implemented in the system for maintaining the motor speed response to be constant when the load varies. Hybridization of fuzzy logic (FL) and PI controller for the speed control of given motor is performed to get rid of the disadvantages of FL controller (steady-state error) and PI controller (overshoot and undershoot). From the analysis of simulation results the rise time, overshoot, and settling time are improved with the hybrid controller.
Keywords: Vector control, MRAS system, PI controller, Fuzzy Logic Controller
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 3145 - 3149
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