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Research Paper | Physics Science | Libya | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Efficient use of Steam Injection for Suppression of N?? Emission in Gas-Turbines Engines
Hesen Bab [4] | Khaled Elozi [4] | Naser Albishti [3] | Shaban Ebrahim [3]
Abstract: The article is devoted to the water steam injection use efficiency for the purpose of N emissions suppression in gas-turbine units. There was described the problem of saving the maximum allowable concentration of nitrogen oxides in the near-ground layer the alternative decision for what was the reduction of nitrogen monoxide concentration. As the result of tests there was confirmed the high efficiency of suppression of N emission by steam. On the basis of the received results there was made a conclusion concerning the occurrence of necessary preconditions for the review of the role of steam in the technology of NOX. emission wet suppression.
Keywords: Water steam injection, N, emission suppression, gas-turbine units, reduction of nitrogen monoxide concentration
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 3044 - 3046
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