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Review Papers | Astronomy Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
N- Dimensional Plane Wave Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations in GR Theory
I. S. Mohurley | R. K. Jumale | J. K. Jumale
Abstract: In the present paper, we have studied - type and -type plane wave solutions of Einsteins field equations in general theory of relativity in the case where the zero mass scalar field coupled with gravitational field and zero mass scalar field coupled with gravitational & electromagnetic field and established the existence of these two types of plane wave solutions in. Furthermore we have considered the case of massive scalar field and shown that the non-existence of these two types of plane wave solutions in GR theory.
Keywords: Einsteins field equations in general relativity in case where the zero mass scalar field coupled with gravitational field and coupled with gravitational & electromagnetic field, N-dimensional space-time, etc
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1462 - 1468
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