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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Four Stroke Hydra Engine
Hardik P. Merchant | Kiti A. Maurya | Bhumik J. Patel | Devang G. Tandel | Mayank Sompura [3]
Abstract: An attempt has been made in this research to use additive fuel in four stroke petrol engine. Our main aim in selecting this work is to use nonconventional fuel HHO with conventional fuel. We select an engine of Hero Honda Street 100cc, 6.5 hp at maximum speed of 8000 rpm for this research work and working model has been developed to support the idea of the work. In IC engines the combustion of a gasoline fuel produces CO2 and H2O. Some of the fuel is not burnt due to the IC engines are not perfectly efficient, which results in the presence of HC, CO and NOx. The HYDRA generator uses electrolysis process to split water (H2O) into its base molecules, 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen molecule. The Oxy-Hydrogen gas is not an alternative to petrol but an additive to increase the efficiency of the engine. This research asses the performance characteristics of a 4S IC engine that is run by petroleum fuel blended with HHO fuel, which is fed through the inlet manifold. It decreases the operating temperature and pressure conditions of the IC engine. Reduction in fuel consumption and reduction in emission is main goal of this research work.
Keywords: HHO, 4S SI Engine, Fuel consumption, Efficiency, Emission
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 920 - 923
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