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Case Studies | Medicine Science | Albania | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Tatoo and Complications: Some Cases during Everyday Practice
Orjana Dervishi [2] | Migena Vargu [2] | Brunilda Bardhi | Violeta Dajci | Edmond Puca [4] | Monika Fida [2] | Erjona Shehu
Abstract: Doing a tattoo is a well known procedure since ancient time for religion or esthetic purpose. A tattoo is the application of the ink into the skin. It is realized with a needle or not and with permanent or non permanent inks. This procedure is followed by different side effects or complication. In this paper we show some different complications after the application of a tattoo or after the procedures for tattoo removal. As the popularity of tattooing continues to rise, so in this away is rise and the potential complications and adverse effects. Our aim is to present the risks and the complications after doing a tattoo and after procedures for tattoo removal. In this paper we report some of our clinical cases of different complications after doing a temporally or permanent tattoos, and after laser application for tattoo removing. These risks might be infections (bacterial or viral), inflammatory reactions, allergic dermatitis, keloids or hypertrophic scars. We have reported either some dermatologic disease localized in the tattoo.
Keywords: tattoo, complications, Laser complications, removing
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 146 - 149
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