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Research Paper | Engineering Science | Mexico | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Prospective of Medical Cost for Breast Cancer for Sex and Age Group in Range 2012-2050: Case of Mexico
Dora E. Ledesma-Carrin [2] | Lidia Hernndez-Hernndez | Mara Teresa Leonor Mucio-Porras
Abstract: Medical costs are calculated for breast cancer for all age groups of Mexican people and sex into range of 2012-2050. Probabilities of entrance or disease detection, permanence or in treatment and departure or death are calculated for each age group and sex. The maximum probabilities for each case are 0.0070 % (45-49), 0.01347 % (30-34) and 0.0043 % (85+), for male. Analogously, for female are 0.94575 % (45-49), 0.83105 % (40-44) and 0.1313 % (85+), respectively. The in treatment medical costs are not similarly between men and women. The maximum number of people in treatment is in (30-34) for male and (35-44) for female. The number of patients varies between 5 and 85+ years of age.
Keywords: medical costs, prospective, aging, health, breast cancer
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 5 - 11
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