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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
A Secure Authorized Hybrid Cloud Distributed Key Generation for Encrypted Deduplication of Data
Akanksha V. Patil | Navnath D. Kale [3]
Abstract: In recent days, cloud computing becames an emerg- ing service model which provides highly available storage and massively parallel computing. Cloud storage enables users to out- source their data backup over remote cloud providers. Managing ever increasing growth of data, is became a great headache. To address this problem, data deduplication technique is introduced which eliminates redundant data copies by keeping a physical copy. For security concerns encryption becomes a necessary before updating data into the cloud. Since these are two challenges that we focused in this paper. For achieving deduplication along with data security, secure hashing algorithm is used.
Keywords: cloud computing, cloud storage, de- duplication, encyption,
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 215 - 218
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