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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Private Data Retrieval with Competent Ranked Keyword Search Algorithm Over Cloud Data Center
Jyotsna T. Kumbhar | Navnath D. Kale [3]
Abstract: Cloud computing is an emerging trend in information technology. It provides different merits, but on other hand cost efficiency and privacy are two fundamental issues are addressed in cloud computing. To protect the privacy during secure searching is challenging task in this environment. There are different techniques are used to protect the data and user privacy during secure searching. But in existing system cost of communication get increase when number of users is increased in the system. Cloud provides pay as you go model so that high cost is unacceptable to the user. Proposed model helps to reduce the communication and computation cost during secure searching. Proposed system introduces flexible ranking mechanism, in that user gives and rank of to retrieve certain percentage of matched files on demand. This mechanism helps when there are large number of files are matched with query but user is interested in certain percentage of matched file.
Keywords: Aggregate Distribute Layer ADL, Cloud computing, Cooperative private searching protocol COPS, Efficient Information Retrieval Query EIRQ, Mask matrix
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 166 - 169
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