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Informative Article | Education Management | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
The Essence of Research Development as a Component in the Faculty Workload of Technological Universities and Engineering Colleges
Abstract: The technological Universities should give major concern for teaching and research. The instruction hours and contact hours must be treated equally as the existence of individual importance in the teaching-learning process. The quality of performance of a faculty member should not be a factor in assigning workloads. The Universities and peer Engineering Colleges should attend the basic research projects that seek wide ranging scientific understanding useful to entire industries. M. Phil/Ph. D and M. E/M. Tech candidates respectively shall publish three and one research papers in a referred Journals before the submission of the thesis for adjudication. The reasonable workload for the Universities consists of 35 % of teaching, 45 % of research and 20 % of service.
Keywords: Teaching, research development, learning, service, workload, University, Engineering College
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 29 - 33
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