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Case Studies | Linguistics | Albania | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Similarities between Albanian and English Considering Word-Formation
Zamira Metaj Alimemaj | Phd. [9]
Abstract: Because of new inventions and changes, every language is in need of new words borrowed, derived or otherwise formed simply because new things need new words. When new inventions and changes enter our lives, we are in the need of naming them and of course to communicate about them. Language is dynamic, it changes constantly If we take a look at the vast amount of new inventions made in the 20th and 21stcentury, it is obvious that the words we knew before were not enough to cover all these things. Exclusively in the 21st century, abbreviations were and still are everywhere, thanks to the internet and the cell phone. The vocabulary of a standard language can be seen in different ways, one of them is word formation. Regarding word-formation, in this paper we will analyze the major formative opportunities that these two languages have. Both, English and Albanian languages belong to Indo-European languages but they differ. Each of them has got its own authenticity. Considering their grammatical forms we can say that the Albanian is a synthetic-analytic language, while English is an analytic-synthetic one. The structure of each language has its own determinations even in the word-formation process. If we survey these two languages we can notice that there are similarities as well as differences considering the ways the new words are formed.
Keywords: word-formation, derivation, compounding, blending, English, Albanian, tendencies
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1 - 4
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