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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
A Geographic Routing Oriented Sleep Scheduling Algorithm in Duty-Cycled Mobile Sensor Networks Methodology
Pratik R. Mantri | Mahip M. Bartere [2]
Abstract: Geographic routing is a constructive and scalable point-to-point communication primitive for mobile sensor networks. Conversely, earlier job on geographic routing makes the improbable hypothesis that every node in the network is aware through routing. This overlooks the common consumption situation where sensor nodes are duty-cycled to save energy. In this paper we inspect a number of significant aspects of geographic routing over duty-cycled nodes. First, we expand offered geographic routing algorithms to handle the extremely dynamic networks ensuing from duty-cycling. Second, we offer the first prescribed analysis of the presentation of geographic routing on duty-cycled nodes. Third, we employ this analysis to develop a capable decentralized sleep scheduling algorithm for reducing the number of awake nodes while maintaining both network coverage and a (tunable) objective routing latency. Finally, we estimate via simulation the performance of our approach versus consecutively existing geographic routing algorithms on sensors duty-cycled according to preceding sleep scheduling algorithms. Our outcome show, possibly unexpectedly, that a network of duty-cycled nodes can have somewhat better routing presentation than a static network that uses equivalent energy. Our outcome further show that compared to preceding algorithms, our sleep scheduling algorithm considerably improves routing latency and network lifetime. Again we implement different routing algorithm with high performance.
Keywords: Index TermsConnected-k neighborhood CKN, duty-cycle, geographic routing algorithm, mobility, wireless sensor networks WSNs
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 190 - 196
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