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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Study of Risk Factor Associated in Hearing Loss in High Risk Children Less Than 10 Years of Age in Rural Area of West Uttar Pradesh
Nitin Kumar Jain [3] | Md. Ziya
Abstract: Aims To evaluate the threshold of hearing and incidence of hearing loss in infants and children belonging to highrisk category and find out the common risk factors. Subjects and Methods Totally, 100 infants and children belonging to highrisk category were subjected to brainstem evoked response audiometry. Clicks were given at the rate of 11.1 clicks/s. Totally, 2000 responses were averaged. The intensity at which wave V just disappears was noted as threshold of hearing. Degree of impairment and risk factors were analyzed. Results Totally, 57 ( %) were found to have sensorineural hearing loss. Totally, 67 (67 %) children with hearing loss belonged to age group 15 years. Consanguineous marriage was the most commonly associated risk factor. Majority 57 (57 %) had profound hearing loss. Conclusion BERA is important tool for new born screening to identify hearing loss in the prelinguistic period to reduce the burden in the community. Health education and genetic counselling is necessary to reduce the hereditary hearing loss, as hearing impairment due to perinatal factors has reduced due to recent medical and surgical advancements as cochlear implant and hearing aids.
Keywords: Brainstem evoked response audiometry, Deaf child, threshold of hearing, prelinguistic
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 95 - 97
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