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Informative Article | Environmental Science Studies | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Evaluation of Rural Water Sources and Sustainable Approaches to Rural Water Resources Development in Ezeagu, Enugu, Eastern Nigeria
Nwagbara A.O. | Chijioke E.O.
Abstract: This study evaluated the water resources in Ezeagu and suggested sustainable approaches to water resources development in this area. Five towns were randomly selected from each of the three geographical zones and their water sources were evaluated. Direct observations, interviews and real time field survey were used to obtain reliable data on the state of water resources in the selected towns in Ezeagu Local Government Area. From the study, only three communities from the selected areas have big rivers that sustain their communities while others are water-stressed and depend on rain water harvesting, unprotected well, tanker-truck. It is obvious that nature has made the distribution of natural resources unequal. Tables 2 and 3 show that only Ozom Mgbagbu Owa, Olo and Umumba Ndiagu are the towns naturally endowed with big rivers that sustain them in Ezeagu Local Government Area. These rivers are the sources of water supply for the commercial water supply tanker drivers. Isigwu Umana, Aguobu Owa, Okpogho, Ihuonyia, Obeleagu Umana and Akama Oghe do not have reliable sources of water supply. Consequently they patronize the commercial tanker drivers. This study is significant as it will help the Local Government Authority in understanding the problems of Ezeagu Local Government Area with respect to availability of adequate and improved water supply.
Keywords: Community Mobilization, Strategic Planning, Sustainability, Water Resources, Water-stress
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 966 - 969
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Review Papers, Environmental Science Studies, India, Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Pages: 988 - 993Usage of Poultry Waste for Welfare of Mankind-A Review
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Research Paper, Environmental Science Studies, India, Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024
Pages: 1032 - 1035Environment and its Pillars of Sustainability
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