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Research Paper | Education Management | Iran | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Effect of Problem Based Learning on Nursing Students Clinical Decision Making and Learning Satisfaction
Abstract: Introduction PBL is a student-centered, inquiry-based method of instruction that guides students to solutions of real-world problems through cooperative group work and is purported to build critical thinking skills. Subjects and method in this study the samples were selected from II year Basic B. Sc. Nursing students of S. R. M. M. College of Nursing. The samples were 40 experimental and 40 control. The study was conducted in Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), Sawangi (Meghe) Wardha. Research Design An experimental, design were used. Sampling Technique Purposive sampling. Results The comparison of Experimental Group and Control Group of nursing students, Mean, standard deviation and mean difference values are compared and students unpairedt is applied at 5 % level of significance. The tabulated t-value for n= (40-1) + (40-1) i. e.78 degrees of freedom was 1.98. The calculatedt value are much higher than the tabulated value at 5 % level of significance. In addition the calculated p values was <0.05 which is ideal for any population. Hence it is statistically interpreted that the students who received instruction through PBL method scored significantly higher than the students who received instruction through conventional didactic lecture. Conclusion Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (experimental group) and conventional didactic lecture (control group) of teaching. Found that the students who received instruction through PBL method scored significantly higher than the students who received instruction through conventional didactic lecture.
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Conventional and Didactic Lecture
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 163 - 165
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