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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Secured Brokerless Identity-Based Publisher Subscriber System
Sayaram N. Shingote | Prof. Syed Akhter
Abstract: The most challenging task is to provide basic security mechanism as authentication and confidentiality in any system. Publisher is one who publish the document and subscriber is a authenticated user who use access that publisher provided documents. Authentication of both publisher and subscriber is one of the difficult task to achieve due to the loose coupling between publisher and subscriber. Similarly confidentiality of event and subscription conflicts with existing system. My paper presents a new method to provide confidentiality and authentication in a broker-less content-based publish/subscribe system by introducing identity based encryption Technique. The authentication of publisher and subscriber as well as confidentiality of events is ensured, by adapting the public and private key cryptography mechanisms, to the needs of a publish/subscribe system. Also algorithm to cluster subscriber based on their subscription preserves a weak notion of subscription confidentiality. This paper also contributes1) use of search encryption to enable efficient routing of encrypted event, 2) multi-credential routing a new event dissemination strategy make strong to the weak subscription confidentiality, and 3) thorough analysis of different attacks by hackers on subscription confidentiality. The proposed approach provides fine grained key management and the less cost for encrypt, decrypt, and routing is in the order of subscribed attribute. The evaluations show that providing security is affordable with respective to1) throughput of the proposed cryptographic primitive, and 2) delay occurred during the construction of the publish-subscribe overlay and the event dissemination. The proposed approach is highly scalable in terms of increasing number of subscribers and publishers in the system and the number of keys maintained by both of them.
Keywords: publish/subscribe, Content-based, peer-to-peer, security, broker-less, identity-based encryption
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 580 - 583
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