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Research Paper | Linguistics | Azerbaijan | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
On Some Specific Non-Finite Forms of the Verbs in the Turkic Languages
Aynel Meshadiyeva
Abstract: This paper is devoted to a comparative-historical analysis of the structural-semantic and functional peculiarities of some specific participial, adverbial participial and infinitive forms in the Turkic languages and their dialects and patois. Currently a number of issues regarding the structural-semantic and functional features of specific participial, adverbial participial and infinitive forms in the Turkic languages have not received exhaustive coverage in Turkology. In this research similar and distinguishing features of these forms in the Turkic languages are identified, as well as their etymology is discussed. It should be noted that a systematic comparative-historical study of the grammatical elements of the Turkic languages takes on special significance in Turkology. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by these factors.
Keywords: specific, non-finite forms of the verbs, Turkic languages, dialects, participle, adverbial participle, infinitive
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 500 - 505
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