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Review Papers | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Comparative Study of High Rise Building using INDIAN Standards and EURO Standards under Seismic Forces
P.P.Tapkire | Saeed J.Birajdar
Abstract: This research article is intended to compare the design of High rise structure with different International codes. Two different famous structural building codes have been adopted. Those are the Indian Standards and European Standards. In R. C. buildings, frames are considered as main structural elements, which resist shear, moment and torsion effectively. These frames be subjected to variety of loads, where lateral loads are always predominant. Infrastructures of Gulf countries are always notable as they mainly follow EURO standards for construction development. In view of the demand of such code of practice across the developing countries like India, an attempt is made to compare EURO standards with Indian standards under Seismic Forces.
Keywords: Seismic analysis, INDIAN standards, EURO standards, Ductility class, Response reduction factor
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 736 - 739
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