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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Comparative Analysis of Web PageRank Algorithm using DFS and BFS Crawling
Poonam Kumari [7] | Gaurav Kakhani
Abstract: With the rapid growth of the Web, the amount of information provided over internet is huge, diverse and dynamic. Most of the people use the internet for retrieving information. This valuable information is retrieved by Information Retrieval (IR) Systems. Search engines use web crawling to collect web pages. IR systems use link structure methods which show that the connecting edges (hyperlinks) of web pages give valuable information. To solve a query IR system first crawl web pages to turn unstructured data to structured data. And to crawl it uses various algorithms like Breadth First Crawling, Depth First Crawling algorithms. Here we analyze these two algorithms in real world scenario and compare the results to find out which one gives efficient search results and to find out future scope of research.
Keywords: Web Crawling, PageRank, Depth-first crawling, Breadth-first crawling, Information Retrieval System
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 859863 -
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