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Research Paper | Geography | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
History and Historical Geography Need of a Modern Perspective
Abstract: Historical geography is a sub-discipline of human geography concerned with the geographies of the past and with the influence of the past in shaping the geographies of the present and the future. Historical geography is better viewed as a dynamic discursive formation. Other hand history is the systematic study in time and space perspective of the progress of man in society. This study investigated how history and historical geography need of a modern perspective. This paper is based on some theoretical view point of different philosopher, socialist and scientist subject oriented person.21th century historical geography has become increasingly focused on the recent past, a trend partly determined by the need for reliable, spatially extensive data but also influenced by a simplistic assumption that historical research in geography should have immediate relevance to contemporary issues. The founding is very significant to make decision to historical geography is proper observation to find out the phase factor which can be associated to each point of history.
Keywords: Historical geography, systematic study, reliable, spatially extensive, human geography
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 939 - 941
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