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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Transformation in Pharmaceutical Industry: Developing Customer Orientation
Dr. Vaishali Rahate | Sapan Joshi | Manish Upadhyay
Abstract: Marketing strategy has a great role to play in pharmaceutical products promotion in the current scenario hence it is a research area where a lot has been contributed and much more to be explored. Due to technological changes and increasing competition, marketing strategies have evolved in various forms pertaining to the need of customers and consumers. In this paper we provide a detail study & analysis of current marketing practices in Pharmaceutical companies. The paper is divided in to two parts, the first part discusses about the introduction of Indias pharmaceutical industry scenario and the current issues and challenges it is facing. The second part is the study of some of the companys annual general report in which we have tried to understand what challenges the companies are facing, what are the strategy they are using to counter the problem and what are the effects the companies are observing. This paper provides better understanding of consequences and causes of major players in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry.
Keywords: Customer, Customer Orientation, Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, Marketing strategy
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1616 - 1620
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