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Informative Article | Management | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
A Study on Socio- Economic Issues of Third Genders in Tamilnadu
Dr. D. Venkatrama Raju [2] | K. S. BEENA M. T. A. | M.Phil
Abstract: The paper entitled A Study on Socio- Economic Issues of Third Genders in Tamilnadu. Is potential in showcasing the socio economic status of Transgenders in Tamil Nadu and to understand the problems faced by them and also to provide suggestions to improve their status. The study is based only on secondary data. Secondary data are collected from the books, periodicals, research publications, web sites and official publications of Government and other agencies. By creating and recognizing transgender rights, India has the capacity to battle its current HIV/AIDS epidemic in a meaningful way, give real effect to the human rights of sexual minorities, and serve as a model for other nations to recognize gender-based rights. In order to accomplish these goals, however, India must repeal current discriminatory laws and enact equal opportunity legislation on the basis of gender and sexuality. In order to bring meaningful changes, formal legislation must be passed, and with the help of the human rights activists and unions, the legislation could very well happen along the lines of the recent supreme court judgement where transgenders are legally recognized as third gender.
Keywords: Transgender, Third gender, Hijras, Aravani, TG
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1354 - 1357
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