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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Theft Identification and Remote Information of ATM Card by a Unique System
Ayesha Khatoon R. Syed | Vijay R. Wadhankar [3]
Abstract: The main objective of this project is to detect the loss of ATM card and to send a message. In this Project Access to the ATM is given by using the Smart Card Technology. In this system, the Smart Card, which contains the tagged data of the object, generates a signal containing the respective information which is read by the card reader, which then may pass this information to a processor for processing the obtained information for that particular information. Based on the information from the tags access can be given or denied. In this project to display the permission status LCD is used.
Keywords: Automatic Teller Machine ATM, One Time Password OTP, Personal Identification Number PIN, GPS, SMS
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1377 - 1380
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